the icing on the cake

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for the win

This morning, with nothing but time on my hands and a clean sheet, I have come up blank. The emotions of the last days have depleted me, and I am not alone. Even our world appears flatter. And when a notification from CNN came across my phone last night, stating the big winner of the election is marijuana, all I could think was, maybe they are right. Marijuana for the win.

It pains me to say that, three days after Election Day, votes are still being counted and recounted, votes are still coming in, and most of us just want it to stop. I have turned off the news for self-preservation and found a new series to hide in (I am grateful for Nicole Kidman!). The COVID numbers in many states are trending up and we are headed into the winter months and wondering if the Christmas tree that we will be rocking around will be standing tall outside in a blizzard.

It’s all just gotten to be too much and, personally, what I have noticed is that sometimes I just need a day. I need that day to succumb to feelings of loss, despair, and even hopelessness; a day to really feel them, to climb into bed and pull the covers up, buried, the weight not so much suffocating but cleansing. And somehow, when the sun is setting, I feel better, though the realities that exist beyond my cocoon haven’t changed.

But win or lose, we are left with the task of moving forward, one day at a time. I got a text from a friend yesterday asking me, do you know what I did today? Nope, I texted back. I got up, I took my kids to school, went to work, came home and made dinner. And I imagine across our country many were doing the same. People moved forward, amidst the pandemic and the contentious election.

Because actually that is what Americans do. We persevere.

After Tom Brady confused the count of downs a few weeks back and lost a very close game, he came back stronger and more determined.

We watch our children do it all the time after a failed test, an unsuccessful job interview, or a painful break-up.

In fact, some of the most powerful movements - movements that have changed our world - are born from feelings of great despair. And we can hope that the next great movement unifies us, because it is just too exhausting to feel so divided.

What seems insurmountable at first gets easier, mostly. Or we learn to live with it not as a ball and chain tethering us to our bed, but rather as inspiration - charging us, guiding us, and ultimately making us better. And as we head towards a holiday that is steep in gratitude and family and food, this year Thanksgiving feels appropriate and welcome. Our tables might look different, but our prayers will be abundant, and we will have plenty to say. And the notification I will push out - Nicole Kidman for the win!