tuesday thoughts banner (4).png

warning. warning. warning. i’ve been thinking again, and it’s only tuesday.

the lottery
icy frantz icy frantz

the lottery

After living most of my life, or 55 years of it, I have come to recognize myself as a bit of a loser when it comes to games and contests that require luck, and I usually steer clear, especially when money is involved.

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we see you
icy frantz icy frantz

we see you

But I also consider those who may not be there. Those children who have struggled and continue to do so, who are not a part of the end-of-the year merriment, who did not complete (and may not have started), who did not attend a prom and did not pose in their tux or gown.⁠

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i don’t know
icy frantz icy frantz

i don’t know

This morning, my daughter sent me a Tik Tok of a cool, AirPods-sporting, blond-haired girl with a look of disdain on her face. At the top of the screen, these words are written: School making us believe our worth is determined by a grade. And in the video, the above-mentioned girl, in a deep voice, says, “Now that was a lot of damage.”

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the endgame
icy frantz icy frantz

the endgame

I have always adhered to a bit of a backwards parenting style; I am sure there is an academic name for it, but it looks a little like this: imagine standing with your child, now an adult - maybe taller than you, all signs of baby fat and teenage acne gone - who do you want that person to be, and how do you help him or her get there?

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it’s not my job
icy frantz icy frantz

it’s not my job

When the people I care about are going through hard times, I want to fix it, to fix them, to make the hard times turn good again. And it becomes part of my job to find a solution. But maybe that’s not my job. ⁠

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icy frantz icy frantz


A few years ago, a friend told me that instead of giving up something for Lent, she wanted to give out something for Lent. She was going to perform a random act of kindness every day, anonymously. What? No credit? But it made me think.⁠

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you drive me crazy
icy frantz icy frantz

you drive me crazy

As we head towards Valentine’s Day, aka the most romantic day of the year, we are focusing on the things about our significant others that we find sweet (and maybe even ridiculous) that others may find annoying, but for whatever reason they are the unique qualities and traits that make them irresistible to us.

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time to refuel
icy frantz icy frantz

time to refuel

My car’s problems are easy to solve, but personally I am not always sure how to get back to living life with a full tank.⁠

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i like to be right
icy frantz icy frantz

i like to be right

A wise friend once asked me to consider what would happen if being right was not the end goal, so I tried. I took my focus off of my own opinions and my desire to change yours; I put my hand over my mouth and held my breath. ⁠

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icy frantz icy frantz


“If you want to play with the big boys, you gotta learn how to play in the tall grass,” was Tom Brady’s high school yearbook quote. Mine in comparison – “There’s got to be a morning after.”⁠

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confirm humanity
icy frantz icy frantz

confirm humanity

I was relieved that I had passed the test that I am not in fact a robot, but confirm humanity? That seemed to indicate so much more. ⁠

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