confirm humanity

Confirm Humanity Post.JPG

Yesterday I subscribed to (another!) blog because I like the writer and want to read her regular posts. I filled out the necessary contact information, checked the boxes that contained parts of tractors, and then the following two words popped up: Confirm Humanity. ⁠

I was relieved that I had passed the test that I am not in fact a robot, but confirm humanity? That seemed to indicate so much more. ⁠

Humanity is a friend who recently visited Arthur Avenue to buy delicious Italian fare for her family and then also delivered to a few other families in need. Humanity is climbing all of the peaks in Acadia National Park because they are there and beautiful. Humanity is taking in two wayward dogs in the middle of the night and calling the anxious owners to let them know that they are found and safe. Humanity is sitting by the bedside of a sick relative or with the elderly to provide comfort or being present at the birth of a child. Humanity is Roger congratulating Rafa on his big win this weekend which ties his own record for most Grand Slam victories. Humanity is speaking – and listening - to all with respect. ⁠

So yesterday I received a freebie, but it certainly made me think of all of the things that I can do to truly earn this distinction. ⁠

The definition of humanity has two parts - it’s the quality or state of being human, but it is also defined by these words: compassionate, sympathetic, and generous in behavior and disposition. And it’s when we marry these two separate descriptions that we find ourselves in a world that is not robotic, but rather caring, cozy and connected. ⁠

And right about now, we could all subscribe to and stand for more of the latter. ⁠

