
icy frantz the icing on the cake team tuesday thoughts

I have always been a big fan of teams. In high school and college, I loved playing on them; occasionally as an adult, I get to work on them. I love the deep connections forged between teammates and the value and treasure of a wonderful coach - I have been lucky enough to have a few in my life. There is something so satisfying and sometimes challenging about putting the success of a group above personal gain, so when I hear a story that captures both, it makes me happy.⁠

So here’s the story - my niece is a high school swimmer in Colorado. As a junior, she has committed to a D1 program; she is really good. Her stroke is the breaststroke, but a few weeks ago, when her school was preparing for the state championships, her coach approached her:⁠

“I need you to swim the 100 backstroke for our team. I know this will mean that you will not be able to swim the breaststroke, where you would most likely excel, but we need you in backstroke.”⁠

“Ok,” she answered. No hesitation.⁠

She sacrificed her chance at winning in her best event. She gave up the potential to personally medal to do what was best for the team.⁠

And this is where it gets great - she WON. She is the Colorado state champion in the 100 backstroke (and also a member of the 200 freestyle relay that came in first as well)!⁠

I am a very proud aunt, but not just because she is a state champion (although that is pretty cool), but because she chose to do what was right for her team over personal gain, and that is truly exceptional. ⁠

Congratulations, Chase! I could cry. We are so proud of you!⁠


a nod to friendship


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