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a featured piece is relaxing with friends over an extended dinner, candlelight flickering, sharing stories with no consideration of the passing time.

the gift of the year
icy frantz icy frantz

the gift of the year

Good lighting has a way of capturing the best in landscapes and in portraits. It’s a photographer’s secret weapon, and in some ways that is what this year did – it captured the best in people despite a backdrop that was dark and ominous.

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from scratch
icy frantz icy frantz

from scratch

The kitchens of my lifetime, just physical structures, are the backdrop for infinite moments both meaningful and random that I will hold onto and draw upon my entire life.

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the anchor
icy frantz icy frantz

the anchor

It’s been a year of high winds and strong currents, but we are reminded by that old relic from bygone days to look to those things in our lives that keep us anchored and grounded until the worst of it passes us by.

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let’s dance
icy frantz icy frantz

let’s dance

Although I do not think you will see Rumi’s quote on our card, it has stuck with me. Because it is true and feels so relevant. Now. This year.

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for the win
icy frantz icy frantz

for the win

It’s all just gotten to be too much and, personally, what I have noticed is that sometimes I just need a day. I need that day to succumb to feelings of loss, despair, and even hopelessness; a day to really feel them, to climb into bed and pull the covers up, buried, the weight not so much suffocating but cleansing.

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i can still feel
icy frantz icy frantz

i can still feel

While the Novocaine set in and my mouth felt strange and saliva dribbled down the side of my face, I thought about all of the ways in which we conduct our lives so that we can block out pain and discomfort.

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confirm humanity
icy frantz icy frantz

confirm humanity

I was relieved that I had passed the test that I am not in fact a robot, but confirm humanity? That seemed to indicate so much more.

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i am because we are
icy frantz icy frantz

i am because we are

I remember thinking that’s the kind of place where I want to live. A community where we care for and look out for one another, where we feel safe, where we feel connected, “where everybody knows your name” to quote a popular TV jingle.

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love, mom
icy frantz icy frantz

love, mom

Brady, this is for you as you head off to boarding school. And you being you, and me being me, you knew this was coming!

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in search of silver linings
icy frantz icy frantz

in search of silver linings

Isaias gave me more than just eight hot days; it gave me the chance to purge and replenish. I hope post-COVID, I will take the same care in deciding what I will bring with me and what will be left behind.

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icy frantz icy frantz


Sometimes I wonder if the risk of infection is worse than the risk of compromised mental health. I was reminded this week to prioritize friendship. I was reminded that even those friends who seem to have it all, may be struggling on the inside. I was reminded to probe, to love, to care, to not hold back, and to trust our friends with our most vulnerable and honest thoughts.

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Community, Connection, Grit icy frantz Community, Connection, Grit icy frantz


If we are able to withstand the risk of rejection, maybe even more than once, the chances are great that we will find a home, a tribe, the ability to relax in our own skin in the company of others, and a place where we are known and truly seen.

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different pomp, new circumstances
Celebration, Community, Perspective icy frantz Celebration, Community, Perspective icy frantz

different pomp, new circumstances

Although I feel more comfortable using words, recently I have spent the bulk of my time creating a video for our son who will graduate virtually next Sunday. It is humbling to admit that my painstakingly slow efforts could have been realized quickly by anyone among the graduating class, but I know there will be less pomp this year, given the circumstances, so I decided to do something a little more. I intended the video to be a gift to our son, but what I discovered in the process is the incredible joy that our son’s life has given me.

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