slice of nice

what is slice of nice

I spent countless hours in this car ferrying kids to and from activities trying to teach the importance of being nice…on the field, in the classroom, and at home. This bumper sticker was a good reminder then.

Today, I have moved on to a smaller car; I need fewer seats, I drive far fewer carpools. But the sentiment of that bumper sticker is now more important than ever.

We are in the midst of very unsettling times on many fronts, and one of the best anecdotes…is simple kindness, in even the smallest ways.

The other day, I was in the checkout line at the grocery store, holding my one container of milk six feet behind the customer ahead of me who was pushing a cart that was overflowing. She looked at me and gestured, “Go ahead of me. You only have one item.” That was nice.

Today, I got a call from a friend I haven’t seen or heard from in a long time. That was nice. I drove by a sign in town that supported and thanked our local police. That was nice.

 Every day, there are big and small gestures that make a difference and make our lives a little better.

On this page, you will find YOUR stories of the kindnesses you have witnessed or have been party to, as well as images of where you’re showing off your Be Nice (click the button below to send in your stories and request your Be Nice sticker and magnet!).

In deeds and signs, let’s fill our communities with Slices of Nice!

 Xo Icy

Icy OG sticker.jpg

join the Slice of Nice movement!

Share your Nice story, get a sticker or magnet, and show us how you are displaying your Be Nice!

slices of nice

the gift card
Ann Smith Ann Smith

the gift card

If every single person could do just one kind thing - and it wouldn’t even have to cost anything - for another person every day, think of what a kinder, gentler world we might have.

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the job posting
icy frantz icy frantz

the job posting

This story lifted my heart because it showed how a small #sliceofnice that was extended by my brother actually ended up being a bigger gift for him than the recipient of the $50.

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helping hand
icy frantz icy frantz

helping hand

A few years ago, I was walking across East Elm Street after a chemotherapy treatment, and I tripped and fell badly on the curb.

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be nice sticker.jpg

join the Slice of Nice movement!

  • Tell us your story of kindness.

  • Get a magnet, sticker, or both!

  • Show us how you are displaying your Be Nice!